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I am disappointed to say that this company may certainly rip you off. The service is poor, their organization is poor, their customer relationships are poor and their prices are very very poor. After spending a year fighting a loosing battle when trying to sort out problems with the property, we lost our final battle getting our bond back. We were forced to leave the property due to a damp problem which they refused to sort out completely. As we managed to leave the property in a much better state than when we moved in we figured we would have no problems in getting our bond back. How wrong we were. The agency thought it necessary to charge us £50 because there were one or two ledges which were dusty. I can assure you there was more than dust there when we moved in, but unfortunately did not put this on the inventory as we thought it was far too petty...and for that dust...we lost FIFTY POUNDS. They only care about getting as much money as possible. They have ridiculous agency fees and will even charge you £40 for sending you one email. My health was dangerously on the balance leaving this house just down to the stress that leaving this house put me under. I am genuinely gutted that I can't write down all my thoughts...all i have learned is that from now on I will always be on my guard for the catches. An I advise you to stay away from this particular agency if you want an agency you can trust.

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