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I paid a deposit for a tattoo last year but due to covid it was cancelled. I sent 5 messages over 5 months to try and rebook my appointment but I was told that they had been in contact with me and that I didn’t respond which was not true. I saved all the messages and even when I forwarded them to the owner I was met with a rude response. When deleting my Facebook messages I accidentally deleted the original message when the appointment was cancelled. I explained this to the owner who ignored my message. There were four more messages after this without response. We were under numerous restrictions and I worked throughout them. I think it’s unfair the way I have been treated. I paid through PayPal and was told that the owner asking for people to pay as a family/friend is against their rules. The pictures of people’s tattoo’s look very good and it’s frustrating the owner stole my money and refused to book me in. This is now with PayPal.

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