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Probably THE worst company I have EVER had the misfortune to deal with! A £600 mattress I recently purchased just over 2 months ago, developed a seriously deep indentation running down the centre three weeks after purchasing it. I complained to the company but they just didn't want to know. My numerous phone calls were never returned and even after visiting the shop on a number of occasions to complain, I was met with a completely disinterested Manager who gave every excuse under the sun why they couldn't send someone out to inspect the bed - despite the fact I only live less than 1 mile from the store. It was only when I made Elephant Beds aware that I had contacted Trading Standards and Citizens Advice, did they start taking any interest in what I was saying. The mattress has finally just been replaced but it is only due to my determination in not accepting their lack of interest and lack of response. I would NEVER recommend this company to anyone.

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