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Scrap Yards in Ely, Cardiff

Scrap Yards Ely, Cardiff - Welcome to the directory of Ely Scrap Yards and car scrap yards in Ely. It lists scrap yards and car scrap yards who offer scrap cars and scrap car removal. Find business details, ratings and reviews of your local car scrap yards or scrap yard in Ely, Cardiff and write your own review. Are you a car scrap yards in Ely? Why not advertise your scrap cars business on the Ely Business Directory – IT'S FREE!

Cardiff Scrap Car Cardiff

Cardiff Scrap Car

+44 (0) 292 059 9709

Scrap Yards in Cardiff
60 Red House road, Ely, Cardiff, CF5 4LE
Tags: cars bought for cash, scrap cars

0 Reviews 0.27 miles
Cardiff Scrap Cars Cardiff

Cardiff Scrap Cars

+44 (0) 79835 41302

Scrap Yards in Cardiff
Barry, CF63 4RU
Tags: cars bought for cash, scrap cars

0 Reviews 5.43 miles